Happy Easter everyone! Easter is one of my favorite holidays, and as a kid I remember running around trying to find every single hidden egg as fast as my little legs would carry me. It should be no surprise that I still love a good Easter Egg Hunt! I’m a little old to be hunting Easter eggs myself, but I make sure to attend the Dundee Community Committee’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt in Dundee-Billick Park!
Everyone gathered round and received instructions on the upcoming events. Big shout out to the Dundee Fire Department, Chehalem Park and Recreation District, Larissa DeHart Insurance and Valley Realty for helping to host the event!
As 10:15am drew near, all kids age 4 and under gathered around the main play structure in Dundee-Billick Park. Everyone was excited and nervous for the hunt!
To kick things off the whole crowd counted down from ten…TEN…NINE…EIGHT…SEVEN…SIX…FIVE…FOUR…THREE…TWO…ONE…
And then they were off!
After this picture it was complete and utter chaos in the best kind of way! Kids and parents everywhere looking for eggs. The parents are key to this hunt otherwise it might take all day. For many of the little ones this was a first and so they weren’t quite sure what was going on. After a while though, everyone got the hang of it and all you could see were big smiles!!!
The next division of kids is the 5-7 year olds and they were serious! Everyone knew about a few “golden eggs” and I suspect that a few of them could see the eggs before we counted down. I was able to capture the beginning of the countdown with my phone. See the video below (give it a little time to load the video…I need to work out a better way to upload videos)!
Seriously so much fun!
I am so thankful to live in a community that recognizes the importance of events like these in bringing the town together to celebrate! I saw lots of kids meeting up with their classroom friends and parents meeting for the first time.
Happy Easter to all!