So you may or may not remember…but back in November, I was working on a little garden project. We had enjoyed fresh lettuce from our garden all summer and it took very little effort. I figured we’d plant a winter crop of lettuce and save ourselves some money at the grocery.
After looking at all sorts of complicated greenhouse projects on Pinterest, I decided to keep it simple and make a makeshift greenhouse out of some clear plastic tubs. I was so smitten with my fantastic idea, I could just envision our abundant supply of lettuce!
And of course, the lettuce grew! Everything grows…we live in Oregon after all…
It just grew very…very…very…slooooowwwwwly…
These first three pictures in this post were taken on January 22, 2015, which means it took approximately two months for this lettuce to grow about three inches high. The lettuce was extremely delicate and tasty…the perfect baby lettuce!
Fast forward to this past weekend, almost three and a half months after planting the initial seeds and we’re almost ready to make a salad. Ha!
Like I said…slowest growing lettuce ever.
The lettuce still tastes pretty sweet, which is remarkable given how long it’s been growing. We’ve also had an extraordinarily mild winter with pretty warm temperatures.
I can’t even imagine what this lettuce would look like if we were getting hit with the weather that the South and East Coast has been enduring. I’m sure our lettuce would be non-existent.
I’m going to give the lettuce another week or two to grow, and then we’re finally going to have a salad. And hopefully next year I come up with a better strategy.
Until then, I’ll just sit out on the back patio and think positive thoughts…grow lettuce grow!